Quality Medical Supplies, great customer service, and Wholesale prices.
Apron, Smokers, Full Chest And Lap, Gray Ea.
Cup, 2 Lids, 2 Handled, Clear 6Oz Ea.
Cup, 2 Lids, 2 Handled, Clear 9Oz Ea.
Cup, Nosey, Cut Out 8Oz Ea.
Cup, Kennedy, Drinking, Spillproof, 7Oz Ea.
Sock Aid Ea.
Dressing Stick, 26" Ea.
Cylinder, Positioning, Bolster, Capp, 8"X24"..
Cylinder, Positioning, Bolster, Blak, 6"X24"..
Separator, Knee, Foam Ea.
Holder, Tool, Universal Ea.
Pillow, Body, 10' W/Cover Ea.
Seat Insert, Solid, 18"X16" Ea.
Teaspoon, Weighted, Great Grip Ea.
Knife, Rocker, Great Grip Ea.
Abduction System, Vinyl Cover Ea.